Welcome To All Bengal Doctors Association of Bio-Chemic Medicines !


A word From President

Pleasant memories gladden all of us. So let us recollect that the Association was born about 14 years ago with not more than seven members whereas today we are more than 300 and are quite vibrant and vivacious. I am also glad to inform the members that in furtherance to the recommendation made by ICMR and the Expert Group of the Government of India for recognition of the Bio-chemic System of Medicine, as a Specialized Branch of Homoeopathy, in 2013, rather four years ago, a Joint Meeting was held on 30th of March 2017 at 3.00 p.m. in the chamber of Shri V. K. Gauba, Joint Secretary, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi. I appreciate highly the decision which was taken in the joint meeting unanimously for issuance of recognition letter by the Ministry of AYUSH to the Bio-Chemic System of Medicine as a Specialized Branch of Homoeopathy. The processing of course shall consume some time but I am delighted there is some progress in the process. We are expected to be patient. You may also be pleased to know that there is an Institute of Bio-chemic Medicine (Asia Pacific), Australia, affiliated to German Bio-chemic Association with branches in United Kingdom, Holland, Queensland, Indonesia, Signapore etc. The Institute, I understand, publishes a bi-monthly Magazine on Tissue Salts and 'Way to Good Health. You may be aware that Bio-chemic Medical System has been recognized in Bangladesh and some other countries including Germany where it originated, as a separate therapeutic system. So it is a matter of time before India also rcognizes it.


(Dr. B. Mishra)

Minutis of the.Meeting of governing body members held on .06.03.2022...of All Bengal Doctors Association..of Biochemic Medicines.
Following governing body members present with meeting...
  • 1. Dr.Amiya Ranjan Ghosh.
  • 2. Dr.Asitava Dhirghangi
  • 3. Dr.shyamapada Choudhury
  • 4. Dr.Gayetri Chakraborty
  • 5. Dr.Mira Das
  • 6. Dr.Montu Lal Bhattacarjee
  • 7. Dr Prosenjit Goswami
  • 8. Dr .Mangal Karmakar
  • 9. Dr.Babul Acharya
  • 10. DrTaher Hossain
  • 11. Dr.Somnath Bhattacarjee
  • 12. Dr.Madan Mohan Sarkar
  • 13. Dr Abhishek Adhikari

Following office Bearers were elected..
  • President - Dr.Amiya Ranjan Ghosh
  • Vice President-Dr.Asitava Dhirghangi
  • Secretary-Dr.shaymapada Choudhury..
  • Joint Secretary - Dr.Montu Lal Bhattacarjee
  • Joint secretary - Dr Prosenjit Goswami
  • Treasurer - Dr Madan Mohan Sarkar

(Dr Shaymapada Choudhury) Election Commissoner A.B.D.A.B.M. 08.03.2022
The following members were elected as the governing body members in the A.G.M.of All Bengal Doctors Association of Bio..Chemic Medicine, held on 02.01.2022..at Mahabodhi Society hall.
Name of following governing body members..
  • 1. Dr.Amiya Ranjan Ghosh
  • 2. Dr.Asitava Dhirghangi
  • 3. Dr.Shyamapada Choudhury.
  • 4. Dr.Arun Kumar Saha.
  • 5. Dr.Montu Lal Bhattacharjee.
  • 6. Dr.Bijay Kumar bhowmik.
  • 7. Dr.Gayetri Chakraborty
  • 8. Dr.Mira das.
  • 9. Dr.prosenjit Goswami
  • 10. Dr.Mangal Karmakar
  • 11. Dr.Babul Acharya
  • 12. Dr.Madan Mohan Sarkar.
  • 13. Dr.Somnath Bhattacharjee.
  • 14. Dr.Taher Hossain
  • 15. Dr.Abhisek Adhikari.

Illegible (Dr.Shyamapada Choudhury) Election Commissinor A.B.D.A.B.M

196th Birthday Celebration of
Scientific Seminar 22nd august, 2017

197th Birthday Celebration of
Scientific Seminar 21st august, 2018

Dr Arabinda pal principle of Dr schussler Biochemic medical college giving lecture at annual seminar 2018 in moulali yubakendra...

Dr Pratap Mukherji receiving
momentous from Dr Mira Das...
of the seminar 2018 at moulali

Seminar convenar Dr Shayma prasad Chowdhury
and joined convenar Dr Montu Bhattacharjee
hosted the seminar 2018 at moulali

198th Birthday Celebration of
Scientific Seminar 21st august, 2018

198th birthday of Dr schusslar

Swami suprobananda maharaaj secretary of Ramakrishna mission culture institute receiving momentous from association vice president Dr S.N.Maitra

Justice Shaymal sen receiving momentous from Dr Amio Kumar Ghosh vice president of the association

Dr K.K.Haldar Ex presedent of our association giving to valuable speech in our annual seminar... at moulali yubakendra

Dr Abinash Bhattacharyya principle of uttrpara biochemic medical college giving lecture of our seminar

Dr pratap Mukherji principle of Calcutta
Biochemic Medical College giving
lecture of our seminar..

Dr B.B.Mishra Present of our association
giving lecture of our seminar at
moulali yubakendra..

Dr B R sinha principle of Kiranmala biochemic medical college
and hospital...gaangapur Nadia..giving
lecture of our association....

All doctors attending to
our annual seminar at
moulali yuba kendra

Cultural programs yoga dance participate
to All Bengal Doctors Association
of Bio-Chemic Medicines seminar....

Cultural programs yoga dance
of All Bengal Doctors Association of
Bio-Chemic Medicines seminar...

Mr Avijit Bhowmik regional manager of e Swab India Ltd.hosted an interested quiz contest... Of our seminar at moulali yuba Kendra

Auspicious lamp being lighted by Swami..prajanananda Maharaj ,,Secretary of Ramkrishna mission vedanta math...of anual scientific seminar..21 Aug 2019..at moulali yubakendra kolkata.

Registration programmes..

Dr M.L Bhattacharjee gifting to participants of culture programme.

Dr Prasanjit Goswami participants of contest...

Dr B.B.Mishra president of association gifting to Dr Babul Acharya of quize contest..

Dr Madan Mohan Sarkar receiving momentos from Mr Avijit Bhaumik.

Dr A.K.Saha Asst Secretary of our association gifting to Dr Rimli Banerjee of quize contest.

Dr shaymapada Choudhuri joint secretary of association delivered to his valuable speech...

Dr A.R.Ghosh vice president of our association reciving momentos from Mr Avijit Bhoumik incharge of swab india Ltd.

Dr S.N.Maitra vice President of our association reciving momentos from Mr Avijit Bhoumik incharge of swab india Ltd..

Dr Arabinda Pal . Principle of schusslar biochemic medical College.Lecture on osteo arthritis.

Dr Avinash Bhattacharyya principle of uttarpara medical College delivered to his speech on osteo arthritis..

Dr B.B Mishra .. President of our association delivered his valuable speech.

Dr Mira das presenting bouque to Dr K K Halder ex President of our association...

Inauguration song..

Mr Mantu Ram Pakhira .. minister of State.. delivering his valuable speech..with guest and doctors....

Celebration on the stage of the seminar...

Mr Mantu Ram Pakhira..minister of state delivering his important valuable speech....

Dr Asitava Dirghangi.. welcoming Hon,ble state minister Mr.Mantu Ram Pakhira...